Tuesday, April 23, 2013


How my connections work...

While I am an instructor at 2 colleges it's interesting to note that I have connectivity with 3 different universities and environments just for educational information and email.  I spend a great deal of time on www.ted.com finding material that suits my lecture material for that week, so I often go there for inspiration and assistance.  The discussion boards I have active through Walden University and where I teach provide many different venues for communication with students in other classes.  The online library resources I have available through 3 different colleges are amazing and while overlap each other are great resources for my students as well as my research.  I'm not a big person on smart cell phones, as I used to enjoy that technology but found I was limiting my face to face conversations, so I have a un-smart phone that I use and while it's limiting in many uses I find my personal and professional relationships are easier to understand and manage.

  • How has your network changed the way you learn? 
The process of learning is the creation of networks (Siemens, 2006) and those nodes that are our personal networks in which we learn.  My network from 10 years ago looks greatly different than the one I have now. While I consider myself a professional student, I do spend a great time on my dynamic networks through the 3 universities in which I am either a student or an instructor.  My local and dynamic networks change as new technology emerges, but stays consistent as I find the venues that seem to work for me and provide me with the learning material that I can rely on and find answers too rather quickly. 
  • Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you? 
Online libraries are by far the best learning and available resource I have available, yet I do enjoy the discussion boards and what I learn from other students.  When it comes to facilitating learning, I enjoy new online tools that assist in my requirements and provide easier access and completion of my task. Such as the mindmap tool utilized for the above jpg.
  • How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?
It really depends on the type of new knowledge I am looking for. If this is information I need and are required to quote directly on, I will utilize the online libraries and databases and do a compilation of research and literature review to find the correct answer. However, on the flip side, I will do an internet search through www.bing.com and find reliable sources on information that I require.  There is great information to be gained through discussion boards and blogs such as this one for learning what works for other students. 

Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing Knowledge. Copyright 2006 by George Siemens.



  1. I like your connectivism diagram. In included my social networks because most of the individuals I run into at work are also my friends. Do you find that your connections with friends and colleagues overlapping as well?

    Speaking of digital tools, have you tried "Visual Thesaurus?" It has those "nodes" as well to show connections of words, related words, and opposite words. I am amazed by it.


  2. I agree, the digital libraries are amazing! I also love to share gutenberg.org with our teachers. There are many classics on there, for free. I love that you do not have a smart phone... We must be selective, or we will lose ourselves in all the technology available! I chose to close down my personal social networking pages years ago in efforts to stay focused and balanced. That approach has truly worked wonders for me...

  3. Hi Cassie

    I have to agree with you concerning the online libraries, and how amazing they are. I don't have access to different online libraries, but I think the online library at Walden U is outstanding. Your network is a valuable asset to your education based on your connection with three different universities. With that being said, I think you have a wealth of knowledge to share.
    Great post!

  4. Good job at highlighting online library resources. Universities tend to offer every resource that is needed to students on their websites, and you personally have access to three!

    I am new to ted.com, I was just recently exposed to the site as one of our resources in class. I found the site to be very helpful as an educator.

